As we are spending Christmas just us two (and Bruce) you would think the preparations would be easier - not the case. We only decided what we would like for dinner on Christmas day today, we have two puddings because we both fancied different ones (next year I am going to make my grandmothers recipe it will be easier) and there is still all the homemade presents to make (as usual).
bacon puffs |
sausage rolls |
mix for spicy pork rolls |
All my pastry savouries are now made and in the freezer, the christmas cakes have the marizpan on them and are to be iced tonight, I got some emergency sausage meat today just in case we run out, the chilli jelly is straining as I write as is the cranberry sauce, only a few more cards to make and write ( all the ones that needed posting are done) I still have to finish my neices bag and the lavendar sachets for my mother, and when thats all done I can get the sweets made but they are really a last minute thing to do.
spicy pork rolls ready to bake |
I want to get the mince pies made and in the freezer. I find it so much easier if everything is prepared and frozen ready to bake. I still really want to do the gingerbread thing, not sure how long it keeps though.
All the presents that I have brought need to be wrapped but there is still a week to go. All I need to do to be ready is to keep off PINTEREST.
Our spend the day alone Christmas has turned into a three day event - visiting my sister on Christmas eve and his sister on Boxing day. I am looking foward to it. And I am really looking forward to the present I know that I am getting SERIF CRAFT ARTIST I have the compact version but cannot wait to get my mitts on the complete package. Who knows it may make me a bit more organised with my cardmaking.
I love making Christmas goodies, cards, presents etc and I think the people receiving them are happy to have them. Pretty much I just love everything about Christmas - getting/making presents, wrapping presents, catching up with friends, entertaining, the spirit of Christmas, decorating the tree, EVERYTHING! The only thing thats a little sad is that Dad no longer wants to go on the morris tour on Boxing day, I shall miss that.