THE TOMATO AND CUCUMBER SEEDS I planted a couple of weeks ago have germinated nicely and have now been potted on. The chillis and sweet pepper seeds were a little slower. I was worried that the sweet peppers wouldn't germinate at all they were so
slow. So convinced was I that the seeds weren't going to grow that I planted another lot only for the first shoots of the original seeds to show the next day.
Sharing the greenhouse bench this spring are ....... a ROYAL OAK SCENTED GERANIUM (see right)
and a SPIDER FERN a type of tree fern (see top photo) that needs to stand in water, I have had this one for several years.
This year I decided, once again, to order from CHILTERN SEEDS
This was partly because I wanted to grow some living stones. I have been checking the local garden centres since the new stocks of seeds started to be delivered searching for seeds with no luck. I knew that I would be able to get them from CHILTERN SEEDS.
This time I ordered from the website but there is nothing like the absolute joy of pouring over the pages of the catalogue. Marking anything that takes my fancy before the final selection is ordered.
Only a small order this time and the seeds I ordered were :-
LITHOPS (living stones) mixed
ASTROPHYTUM (uncactus-like cacti) mixed
WILD FLOWERS pond edge mixture
ONOBRYCHIS VICIIFOLIA - SAINFOIN a British wild flower that grows on chalk. Perfect I thought for a garden that has chalk bedrock very close to the surface.
I planted the seeds this morning, at least some of them. Some of the packets had so many seeds it would have been silly to plant all of them. I cannot bring myself to throw seedlings away - I already have too many tomato plants and I did my best not to over sow.