Saturday, 30 November 2013


I have a very bad habit of creating odd size cards.  Sometimes I mean to but mostly it is what I end up with.  This means that I have a beautiful (in my opinion) card and no envelope to fit it.  In the past I have put it into an envelope that is an OKish fit but I haven't been happy with my presentation or put the card in with the present.  All that is changing from NOW.

I have been asked to make some cards for a friend for her nieces, a few guidelines but anything I liked to do.  The first card was not a standard size - this time I was not going to be beaten.  Armed with a CRAFTERS COMPANION ulitimate pro and an additional envelope board I decided to beat my envelope jinx.

The first problem was easily solved; a card that was rather thick just needed a box-type envelope, so using the ulitimate craft pro I made the envelope wide enough.  The second problem was a little harder.  A 12" x 12" piece of 160gsm was not quite big enough for an envelope for my 8" x 7.5" card.  After a little thought I found the answer . . . make the envelope to size on three sides leaving the top a little short and then cut two triangles to make the top piece of the envelope large enough to cover the card.  Glue one to the outside and a slightly smaller one to the inside of the flap.  No one will ever know it wasn't meant to be.  I finished of the envelope with a little ribbon.