Tuesday, 25 December 2012


IT'S CHRISTMAS and I did manage to be ready - I had doubts if I would be especially as I was lent seven Game of Thrones books at the end of november.  First two lots of presents are now opened, the cat is curled up at home and we are waiting for dinner.  Then later today we will be at my sisters for the evening and more presents.
I am hoping that people like the mug cosies I have made and the Owl fingerless gloves (from Mollie Makes) which to be honest were a bit of a nightmare (must improve knitting skills I kept dropping needles - in my defence sometimes there were five).  Looking foreward to crafting my little heart out in the new year and hopefully improving my online store so things really take off.
I brought my knitting with me today but I am sharing the chair with a dog so that will be for later.

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