Wednesday, 11 April 2012

My first VINTAGE FAIR visit

On Good Friday I visited my first vintage fair.  It was at QUEX HOUSE a local museum.

It was a shame that we got there later than planned because it got so busy and was rather hard to get around and look at stuff.  Quite a lot of very interesting stalls although some of them were not what I would call vintage.  It is possible I could not get close enough to do them Justice.

                       One that was definitely vintage was                          

sorry about picture quality

 A fantastic collection of goodies - from inside to out and beyond.  

I would have loved to have got this knitted jacket but not my size. 
beautiful shoes and matching bag

 There was the proper undies to make a vintage look work as well as beautiful shoes and bags.

For POPPYDRAGON DESIGNS it was worth literally fighting through the crowds.  And I got myself a very nice pair of black court shoes - perfect fit.
my beautiful new shoes

I have her card and will have to contact her to look at her range of gloves (she had sold out of my size at the show).

I picked up several leaflets  about local events from her stall, one of which was for a BURLESQUE workshop in Ramsgate.

I don't know very much about Burlesque but it seems to have a large following.  I have seen articles in the local papers and some magazines.  I will have to look into it more to see if it is right for me. 

1 comment:

  1. You need to talk to Becky about Burlesque, she is a master.....
